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ICIs in patients with lung cancer should not be avoided for fear of potential lung toxicity and given the high lung tropism of SARS-CoV-2 virus and its risk of ARDS in asymptomatic and/or coronavirus-free patients.
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The focus on the need for solidarity was combined with the concept of autonomy together with the neoliberal free-choice argument and people's attributed capacity to make well-grounded decisions.26 27 This message embraces substantive values such as individual liberty and privacy. Another high-ranking health official explains:No, that [solidarity] is an argument that we shouldn't use so much. Individuals should decide, make their own choices. What we are trying to do is to give them as much information as possible, to allow them to choose, and then you should respect that choice. (Interview, 1 March 2013).
HCAT is not only the first reliable tool for coding complaints, it is the first tool to measure the severity of complaints. It facilitates service monitoring and organisational learning and it enables future research examining whether healthcare complaints are a leading indicator of poor service outcomes. HCAT is freely available to download and use.
Resolving disagreements about how to apply HCAT to a specific healthcare complaint led us to the development of a set of guidelines for coding healthcare complaints (box 1). The final version of the HCAT, with all the severity indicators and guidelines, is freely available to download (see online supplementary file). Figure 2 demonstrates applying HCAT to illustrative excerpts.Box 1The guidelines for coding healthcare complaints with Healthcare Complaints Analysis ToolCoding should be based on empirically identifiable text, not on inferences. 2ff7e9595c