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DiskWarrior 5.1 Bootable Image: Everything You Need to Recover Your Data and Speed Up Your Mac

Writer: paddvotalesdiegravpaddvotalesdiegrav

The most recent is 10.4.10, with 10.4.11 due out very soon (probably this week to coincide with Leopard). The diskwarrior is eitherThe earliest Intel system is 10.4.4, and that's relatively old (about 1.5 years ago). External drives have it because they can be moved among different Macs and there is no guarantee that every Mac will have a matching set of user ids.Drive in diskapp and it says it is an apple partition drive.I'm running 10.2.4 on a macbook pro. OTOH the original disk in the Macbook proAs it comes from Apple does not have the box either.The boot drive will not have an ignore permissions checkbox - that would render it non-bootable. InAny case I formatted the replacement disk last night and it did haveThe ignore ownership box.

DiskWarrior 5.1 Bootable Image

I found two incidences of the "unserialized on locked device" msg in google. At this point I'll have to wait for tech support at Alsoft and hope they have an answer. The other two, one with an image of macos that I can also boot from but that has the same problems and the faulty drive are both apple partition.I guess I will go ahead and upgrade the new boot device to 2.4.10 and see if it makes a difference but I don't have much hope. The original and the one newly initialized last night are both guid format.

11), but you can do that after you fix theThe current version of DiskWarrior is 4.0, and that's required for anIntel Mac. You oughtTo upgrade to 10.4.10 (or. The most recent is 10.4.10, with 10.4.11 due outVery soon (probably this week to coincide with Leopard). External drives have it because theyCan be moved among different Macs and there is no guarantee thatEvery Mac will have a matching set of user ids.The earliest Intel system is 10.4.4, and that's relatively old (about1.5 years ago). After that though I get the unserializable message.The boot drive will not have an ignore permissions checkbox - thatWould render it non-bootable.

Code-sign your .dmg so that macOS knows it can be trusted after download. (Appspackaged on unsigned disk images or .zip archives are subject to AppTranslocation, a.k.a. Gatekeeper Path Randomization, which can prevent them fromworking.)

When given multiple files or folders, DropDMG creates a separate disk image orarchive for each. To group multiple items into a single image or archive, movethem into a new folder, and then drop it on DropDMG.

A device image is a special kind of disk image that is an exact, block-levelcopy of the source volume and its filesystem, including features such as hardlinks and compressed system files. You can use device images to:

If you just want to a create a regular (non-device) image containing all thefiles and folders on a volume, you can use CreateDeviceImages in theesoteric preferences to tell DropDMG not to create device images.

Double-click the .dmg file to mount it, then locate the files using theFinder. If a large disk image is split into multiple .dmg and .dmgpartfiles, move or copy them all into a single folder before trying to mount the.dmg.

macOS 10.11 and earlier: Click on the Restore tab. Drag the image fileonto the Source field, and then drag the target disk from the list tothe Destination field.

This section describes how to create a standard disk image for distributing aMac application. The disk image will have a background picture, a file, an Applications folder symlink for easy drag-installs, avolume icon, and a license agreement.

When creating a disk image using the dropdmg command-line tool, you canspecify detached licenses or layouts using the --license-folder and--layout-folder parameters. The configuration options can be specifieddirectly, without referencing an exported configuration file. Correspondingparameters are available for AppleScript.

You can also choose a volume (e.g. a hard drive or optical disk) as the sourcefor creating a disk image. In this case, DropDMG will create a special deviceimage that is an exact copy of the source volume and its filesystem.

This creates an empty disk image with the specified format and size and mountsit in the Finder. The blank disk image acts as a virtual disk. Applications candirectly read and write to files stored on the disk image, but the filesdisappear when you eject the disk image. Double-click the disk image file tomake its contents accessible again.

By setting the disk image to be encrypted, your virtual disk can act as a miniFileVault. When using FileVault,your entire drive is encrypted. Disk images created by DropDMG use the sameencryption technology as FileVault, but they let you encrypt select groups offiles with different passwords and also ensure that backups of those file areencrypted.

Case-insensitive APFS is the file system used by macOS 10.13 and later. Blank disk images ofthis type can be used for testing how apps work with a file system thatis Unicode normalization-preserving (unlike HFS+) but not normalization-sensitive. Developer previewwith macOS 10.12.4 and later. Fully supported on macOS 10.13 and later.

This command lets you verify that a disk image file is in working order (i.e.that it is not damaged) before it becomes a serious problem. You can tellDropDMG to verify a folder, and it will find all the disk images in that folder(and its subfolders) and verify them.

The verification works by reading the entire contents of the disk image andcalculating a checksum. This is then compared with the checksum that was storedin the disk image when it was first created. Because modifying the contents of adisk image would invalidate the checksum, only disk images in read-only formatscan be verified.

This command checks the validity and trust of the signature on a disk image orXIP archive. On macOS 10.12 or later, it also tests whether a signed diskimage passes a Gatekeeper assessment. On macOS 10.15 and later, this includestesting whether the disk image is notarized.

This command lets you burn files and folders to CD, DVD, or Blu-ray. Thisrequires an internal or external drive that supports macOS disc burning. Youcan continue to use DropDMG to create other disk images or archives while a discis burning, and if you have multiple optical drives you can even burn more thanone disc at a time.

This makes the contents of the burned disc look like the contents of thedisk image. The volume name of the mounted disk image becomes the name ofthe disc. If the disk image is a device image that contains multiplepartitions, then the burned disc will have multiple partitions. This isuseful when:

DropDMG can perform multiple operations at once, simultaneously creating diskimages, burning them, verifying them, etc. This window shows the operations thatare currently in progress and what states they are in. You can cancel anoperation by clicking its button.

DropDMG provides many options for creating disk images and archives.Configurations let you create named sets of these options, so that you canquickly switch between your favorite combinations rather than re-entering allthe settings each time.

Archives make your files accessible to computers running other operatingsystems (Windows, Linux, etc.). Archives are slower and require more diskspace than disk images, as they must first be expanded before the contentsare accessible in the Finder. DropDMG creates special archives that preserveresource forks and Mac metadata. This extra information is ignored by otheroperating systems.

Note: Microsoft Windows also uses disk image files whose names end with.img, but it does not read the NDIF format. To create a .img diskimage for Windows, tell DropDMG to use the .iso or .cdr format andthen rename the file to .img.

DropDMG stores the passphrase securely in the system keychain. You can use theKeychain Access application to control whether the keychain password must beentered before creating an encrypted disk image or viewing the passphrase inDropDMG. If you prefer DropDMG to prompt you for a passphrase each time youcreate a disk image, leave the passphrase blank.

DropDMG lets you split large disk images into multiple pieces, to keep the sizeof each file below a set limit. This can be useful for transferring large filesover the Internet or burning them to disc. The filenames of the pieces will end with .dmg, .002.dmgpart, .003.dmgpart, etc.

Sizes are specified in megabytes (base 10). The Sizes pop-down menu lets youenter common segment sizes for CDs, DVDs, and Blu-ray discs. The sizes arechosen so that a segment of that size can be burned to the disc as a file. Theactual disc capacities may vary slightly, as will the sizes of the segmentsproduced by the disk imaging engine. macOS may choose to segment very largedisk images (larger than 1 TB) even if you tell DropDMG not to use segments.

If you select a license agreement, macOS will display it each time the usertries to mount your disk image. The contents of the disk image will only beaccessible if the user clicks the Agree button.

DropDMG currently does not support directly creating a .sparsebundle or.sparseimage disk image with a custom icon. You can, however, create a.dmg disk image with a custom icon and then convert it to the desired format.

Note: On macOS 10.2.2 through 10.2.8, this also happens whenever anInternet-enabled disk image is mounted (by any program). On earlier versions ofmacOS, Internet-enabled disk images are treated just like other disk images.

This option is for when you plan to use Apple Software Restore or Disk Utilityto copy the contents of the disk image back to a hard drive. (See, for example,the Making a Bootable Device Image of a Hard Drive section.) DropDMG performsan extra pass over the disk image, rewriting the file to provide the bestperformance when restoring.

To have DropDMG sign your disk image, choose the appropriate signing identityfrom the Signing pop-up menu in the Configurations settings. This isprobably one whose name begins with Developer ID Application. In the eventthat you have multiple identities with the same name, DropDMG will show atooltip that shows the SHA1 hash for the identity so that you can tell which iswhich. 2ff7e9595c


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